Are you expecting to see level 5 autonomous driving (i.e. true driverless cars) in your lifetime? It’s not going to happen. This well-researched article explains why. Here are some excerpts:
Over the past several years, there has been a growing belief that AI is a limitless, mystical force that it is (or will soon be) able to supersede humans and solve any problem.
The current hype in AI is immensely reminiscent of what took place during the boom phase of the first AI hype cycle between 1956 and 1973.
[W]e remain as unsure as ever as to how to create a machine that truly imitates intelligent life and how to endow it with “intuition” or “common sense” or the ability to perform several tasks well (like humans).
As John McCarthy noted in 1977, creating a human-like AI computer will require, “conceptual breakthroughs,” because, “what you want is 1.7 Einsteins and 0.3 of the Manhattan Project, and you want the Einsteins first. I believe it’ll take 5 to 500 years”. His statement seems to be just as applicable now, over forty years later.