You are a trucking/logistics company.
You can’t grow. Your planners can’t handle the increased load. You have reached the limits of your IT system.
You are considering installing better software, but you are overwhelmed by the many options you have for automation. Sales people don’t help you—they’re interested in selling their product rather than solving your problem.
You can do better than that. You can improve your company’s processes and software. You can build a business that is operating efficiently while you are working to extend it.
How do I know you can do that? Easy. Many people have done it successfully. Why can’t you?
I am Antonis Christofides, an IT consultant. I help trucking and logistics companies streamline their operations. Let’s find out if I can help you. Click the button to book a 15-30 minute call.
I only work with a client when I’m certain I can produce great value. This means I’m sending most leads away. Sometimes I tell them “why don’t you do X instead of hiring me?”, and they tell me “we hadn’t thought about it! We’ll try it!”. Sometimes I tell them I don’t have the expertise, or that I know someone better than me for the job.
I’m eager to talk to you. I get great value just from talking to people like you, because I see the kinds of problems the industry is facing. If it does lead to a collaboration, so much the better.
This first call will be 15-30 minutes in length. If it looks promising, we’ll have a second one, a bit longer (one hour). After that I will either tell you we aren’t a good fit (hopefully giving you some ideas about what else to do), or I will make an offer.
Sounds good?